Back up doula’s

I will make every effort possible to provide the services I describe in our agreement together. Sometimes this can be impossible for unforeseen events. If I am unable to attend your birth due to a circumstantial emergency, my backup doula will be available to serve you for the birth and her payment will come out of my compensation at no extra cost to you. If you are interested you can meet with her at any point in your pregnancy to put a face to a name and get to know her, just in case this may happen.


Laurynn Howard is someone I hold so dearly to my heart. She is married to her soulmate and they have a daughter with another on the way in the fall of 2024! Fun fact, she was my very first doula client :) who became one of my very best friends! Serving her birth at the birth center was an amazing first experience as a new doula and she proved so much on how strong and capable women are in bringing children into this world unbothered. I am beyond thankful to have this beautiful soul in my life. She upholds the same standards that I do in my business. I trust her immensely with my clients and I know they will be in great hands in the event of a backup situation.

Backup doula


Amy is another amazing back up doula and friend of mine. She is a mom of 3, loves the Lord, all things homesteading, homeschooling, homemaking! She was an RN for 10 years before realizing she wanted to serve women in a much more full capacity. She became a doula before her 3rd baby was born at home.

Amy and I's paths crossed through this amazing birth community of the Carolinas. We partnered together to better reach our community and truly make a change in the power of birthing women! I feel so blessed to call her friend.

Backup doula


Brittany is an amazing mama of 5 beautiful children and doula that I met amongst the birth work community here in Charlotte, NC. We have so many amazing things in common such as our love for Jesus, reading, and passion for serving women! She has an array of experience in hospital and home births as well as a truly valiant testimony in her own births. I am so honored to know her and get to work along side her!